Unless you've been living under a rock for the last few months, you no doubt have heard of Christian Bale's recent meltdown while shooting the new Terminator flick, "Salvation", due for release on May 21st. The film's director of photography was checking lights on the set when he accidentally wandered into Bale's line of sight, prompting the actor to unleash a four-minute salvo of profanity at him which included liberal use of the F-bomb. Such egotistical superstar freakouts are not all that uncommon in Tinseltown (see: Barbra Streisand), but not only was this particular tirade epic even by Hollywood standards, it was even more unusual in that it was captured forever for posterity on tape (listen to the unedited version here if you're so inclined). Best of all, through the miracle of modern audio editing, Bale's outburst has been remixed into a dance version by one Lucian Piane, aka "RevoLucian". Considering that we here at the Trance Mix take our role as icons of pop culture very seriously, we felt it was a natural to lead off this week's podcast. Although the track has a funky house beat, we hasten to point out that it's most definitely NSFW, and you should keep the volume low as not to offend the delicate ears of small children, Mormons, Republicans, and other sensitive types.
Following this opening track, the mix stays in funky house territory for a while before venturing back to a more progressive groove with new releases by Tiffany Lacey, Alex Morph, 4 Strings, Push, and others. All in all, an interesting mashup of styles this week, and we hope you enjoy it. Please leave a comment and let us know what you think.
RevoLucian - Shut The Fuck Up (The Bale-Out Remix)
George Acosta & Ron Van Den Beuken Feat Truth - War Of Hearts (Extended Mix)
Schumann & Kloss - Shabuka (Cressida Remix)
Robert Burian - Vegas (Andrew Bennett Remix)
Dallaz Project - In Motion (Vulcan Remix)
Tenishia Feat Tiff Lacey - Burning From The Inside (Original Mix)
Christopher Lawrence - Freefall
Alex M.o.r.p.h - Purple Audio (Original Mix)
4 Strings - Let Me Take Your Breath Away (Club Mix)